Python Versions-Python programming language is being updated regularly with new features. There are a various updation in Python versions.A list of python versions with its released date is given below : Python Version Released Date Python...
Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Python # 2 - Features of Python
Features of Python-1) Interpreted Language: Python is an interpreted language i.e. interpreter executes the code line by line at a time. This makes debugging easy and thus suitable for beginners.2) Object Oriented Language: Python supports object...

Python # 1 - Python Introduction and History
Introduction to Python-What is Python?Python is an object-oriented, high level language, interpreted, dynamic and multipurpose programming language.Python is easy to learn yet powerful and versatile scripting language which makes it attractive for Application Development.Python's syntax and...
Sunday, 29 October 2017
HTML # 4 - HTML Editors
Write HTML Using Notepad or TextEdit :-Web pages can be created and modified by using professional HTML editors.However, for learning HTML we recommend a simple text editor like Notepad or Notepad++(PC) or TextEdit (Mac).We believe using...

HTML # 3 - HTML History & Features
History of HTML:In the late 1980's , A physicist, Tim Berners-Lee who was a contractor at CERN, proposed a system for CERN researchers. In 1989, he wrote a memo proposing an internet based hypertext system.Tim Berners-Lee is known...
HTML # 2 - Simple HTML Document Example
HTML Example:-<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <title>A Simple HTML Document</title> </head> <body> <h1>My First heading</h1> <p>My First paragraph.</p> </body></html> Description of HTML Example:-DOCTYPE: It defines the document type.html : Text between html tag describes the web document.head :...
HTML # 1 - Introduction to HTML
What is HTML?HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Let's see what is Hyper Text and what is Markup Language?Hypertext: Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts (the link available on...